We are excited to announce that NewCo Communications has been chosen by Rods&Cones as a partner for their customer experience service activities.
Rods&Cones is a global leader in remote assistance solutions for medical environments, with headquarters in Amsterdam and Turnhout. They offer a revolutionary new technology that enables medtech experts, assisting surgeons, medical students, and other healthcare professionals to see and communicate with surgeons working in any OR, anywhere in the world – in real-time.
As a consequence of their rapid expansion, Rods&Cones partnered as of March 2021 with NewCo Communications for product coaching, technical support, user and hospital on-boarding and other customer service demands.
NewCo will service Rods&Cones from their offices in Barcelona (Spain), currently providing support in 5 languages: German, Spanish, Italian, French and English. This new project accounts for a further internationalization of our Barcelona branch.
“We are really excited to accompany Rods&Cones in their journey towards undoubted success” states Eddy Van de Poel (NewCo’s Chief Client Officer) . “An innovative product, that challenges the status quo, is a perfect fit with the way we see our customer experience services”.
“Being able to start this journey together from the very beginning, makes it even more exciting!” adds David Braux (NewCo’s Managing Director in Barcelona). “Having Rods&Cones as a real partner in defining process, setting up the teams and building our tailor-made platform has been a blast!”.
Rods&Cones’ CEO and Founding Partner, Bruno Dheedene, affirmed by stating: “I’m really impressed by the way NewCo understood our needs, right from our first conversations back in Q3 2020. Seeing our customer experience centre up and running today, set-up in such a short time, yet so professional, only confirms we made the right decision choosing for NewCo”.