Under pressure of several more or less aggressive América Móvil actions as shareholder, KPN made several decisions in an attempt to save or benefit of several niche market activities. Amongst those was Ortel Holding, owner of all Ortel branches in Europe, that was split up in 5 independent countries. Ortel Germany is now resorting under E-Plus, Ortel France is operating independent, Ortel Belgium resorts under Base, Ortel Switserland was sold to a Private investment-Group and Ortel Spain became independent through a Management Buy-out.
NewCo Signed with all 5 Ortel Countries a new 3-Year contract for their Customer Service and Dealer Support.
Quote Marc Ternest (Shareholder):“It is tough to see this evolution where synergie between Ortel Countries risk to come to an end. On the other hand we also feel that each individual countries has more independency and can make quicker decisions. Short decision lines only benefit the effectiveness in reacting on local competition. We thank each Ortel Country in the trust they gave us and to engage with us an periods of 3 years. We shall be as flexible for each of them as required and we are sure we will not let them down !”